Other Blogs
Whenever I come across and blogs I like to check regularly, I post the link here so I can find it again.
- Qafoo Team Blog - posts about quality software.
- Aaron Saray - posts about tech and business learnings.
- PHPDeveloper.org - PHP news.
- CodePipes Blog - posts about testing and DevOps.
- Stovepipe Systems - posts about Symfony and code quality.
- Symfony living on the edge - Symfony news.
- PHPNews.io - general PHP and web dev posts.
- Symfony News - updates about Symfony.
- Matthias Noback - about software development.
- Patrick Louys - software development.
- stitcher.io - PHP and general programming.
- CX Social Dev Blog) - software development and team building.
- Tomas Votruba - for programmers who want to become more effecive.