Terraform refuses to destroy RDS instance without a snapshot
Recently I created an RDS instance for testing using Terraform. Since it’s just
for testing, I didn’t want to store a final snapshot when I destroyed the
instance. However, when I ran terraform destroy
I presented with an error:
aws_db_instance.db_instance: DB Instance FinalSnapshotIdentifier is required
when a final snapshot is required
Even after I enabled the skip_final_snapshot
parameter, terraform still
refused to destroy the instance.
resource "aws_db_instance" "primary" {
skip_final_snapshot = true
It turns out that terraform requires you to apply
the change before you can
destroy the instance without a final snapshot:
$ terraform apply
$ terraform destroy
# Success!
However, if you’re like me, and have just destroyed all your test
infrastructure except the RDS instance, you don’t want to run apply
re-create everything again. So I could have specified a
then destroyed it, and then deleted the snapshot:
resource "aws_db_instance" "primary" {
final_snapshot_identifier = "DELETE ME"
But I just chose to delete the RDS instance through the web interface
(checking the box to ‘skip final snapshot’), then run terraform refresh
update the state.